Flexi-placement at DHSC

Posted by: Alexandra Close - Posted on:

When I discovered a flexi-placement that focussed solely on Women’s Health at DHSC I was immediately interested. My fascination in women’s health started at University when I led several debates discussing perceptions of women’s physical and mental health. It increased in my first placement when I worked closely with a Consultant Dermatologist who had special interest in women’s intimate health.

Having worked here for five weeks now I am pleased to say that I think this is a very exciting time for Women’s Health. The issues that women have faced for years are finally coming to the fore and there is a fantastic, passionate team here leading meaningful change. I have been made to feel part of the team and have learnt so much about policy, government and parliament.

The flexi-placement is such an important part of the scheme. It increases your breadth of knowledge and allows you to get involved with something that you are passionate about. When choosing your flexi-placement I would urge you to go for something that you are interested in. Whether that be working as a project manager at a football club or working for central government. The experience will be invaluable for both your personal and professional development.

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